Headlines & Features
The 2025-2026 school calendar is now available
Please click the link below
Campbell-Tintah-Calendar-25-26 (Final)
2024- 2025 school calendar is now available
Please click the link below to view
Campbell Tintah 2024-2025 calendar
Campbell-Tintah School District seeks a visionary PreK-12 Principal. Please click link below to view
Pre K – 12 Principal Job Listing
Campbell Tintah Public SchoolsAnnual Food Drive
National Honor Society Food Drive
The Campbell-Tintah National Honor Society will be conducting their annual drive for the food pantry beginning Wednesday, April 2 through Thursday, April 17.
Any nonperishable items such as paper products, shampoo or soap, past and canned foods make great donations.
All donations will be take to the Richland-Wilkin Food Pantry. Please give generously to help others in need!
Like previous years, the elementary and high school will be using their food items to vote for the movie they want to see. So, make sure you put your food items in the appropriate box down in the lunchroom. In order to watch a movie, each section (elementary and high school) will have to attain an overall point goal of at least 750. Points are determined based on the items that are brought in (see the chart below).
The following are this year’s movie selections to vote on:
Elementary – Frozen, Wreck-It Ralph, and Planes
High School – Despicable Me 2, 42, and The Blind Side
Thank you so much for your time and donations!