445 Minnesota St., Saint Paul, MN 55101
Phone: (651) 297-3298 TTY: (651) 282-6555
Fax: (651) 797-1120
Driver Services Class D Instruction Permit FAQs
At what age can a person obtain a Class D Instruction Permit to practice driving?
• Must be at least 15 years of age
• If between ages 15-18, must have completed the appropriate amount of classroom instruction and be enrolled in behind-the-wheel instruction
What testing is required?
• Must pass Class D knowledge test
• Must pass vision screening
Where can I take the Class D knowledge test?
• There are 95 driver exam stations located across the state. Refer to dvs.dps.mn.gov
What do I need to bring for the knowledge test?
• Identification documents (refer to dvs.dps.mn.gov or the driver’s manual for a list of acceptable documents)
• Proof of completing driver education if under age 18
• If you fail two consecutive tests, a $10 fee will be charged for each subsequent knowledge test
Where do I make application for the Instruction Permit?
• There are 14 exam stations that accept applications and 127 Driver’s License Agent offices. Refer to dvs.dps.mn.gov
What do I need to bring when making application for the Instruction Permit?
• Proof of passing the Class D knowledge test
• Identification documents (refer to dvs.dps.mn.gov or the driver’s manual for a list of acceptable documents)
• Corrective lenses (if needed)
• Parent or legal guardian, if under the age of 18. If they are not available at time of application, need their notarized signature on the application.
• Appropriate fee
How long do I need to have an Instruction Permit?
• If you are 18 and under, you must practice driving with a licensed adult driver for at least six months before a driving test can be taken
o You must complete behind the wheel instruction and be age 16 to take the road test. Exceptions are for farm work and medical licenses
• If you are 19 or older, you must practice driving with an adult licensed driver for at least three months before taking a driving test
What if I am under age 18 and have an Instruction Permit from another state?
If applying for a Minnesota Instruction Permit:
• Must meet ID requirements
• Present out of state Instruction Permit
• Pass Class D knowledge test
• Fill out application
• Parent/legal guardian signature
• Pay Instruction Permit fee
If applying for a Minnesota Driver’s License and using Instruction Permit time from another state:
• At the time of the road test, you must present a certified copy of your driving record from your previous state showing you had valid driving privileges the last six months
• Present proof of having driver’s training equivalent to Minnesota’s requirements of 30 hours classroom and 6 hours of behind-the-wheel
• Documentation of passing the road test
• Fill out application
• Parent/legal guardian signature
• Pay Driver’s License fee
What if I am under age 15 and I have an Instruction Permit from another state?
• Minnesota law does not allow a person under the age of 15 to drive