E-Learning Day
Dear Parents and Guardians,
E-Learning Days are held in the event of an unplanned school closure due to emergency situations such as severe weather, power outages or other situations in which students will be unable to attend school. This may be accomplished electronically or through resource materials sent home with students prior to such incidences occurring.
In the event of an E-Learning Day, please check your student’s take home folder. My Title 1 file is held in a sheet protector labeled Title 1 e-Learning Day. I have enclosed five days’ worth of work. Each day is stapled together and labeled (Day 1-5). Please complete just one stapled packet of work for each e-Learning Day. Return the completed work to me when school resumes.
If you have any questions for me, please contact me. I am available from 7:45 am – 3:30 pm.
Thank you.
Mrs. Edgerton
Contact Information