Headlines & Features
The 2025-2026 school calendar is now available
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Campbell-Tintah-Calendar-25-26 (Final)
2024- 2025 school calendar is now available
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Campbell Tintah 2024-2025 calendar
Campbell-Tintah School District seeks a visionary PreK-12 Principal. Please click link below to view
Pre K – 12 Principal Job Listing
Backpack (lg enough for winter gear & folders, approx 12”x15”)
Pencil box (small plastic)
2 Glue sticks(we will need more throughout the year)
2 boxes of snacks to be shared with the class. Butter crackers, graham crackers, pretzels, cereal, microwave popcorn and animal crackers are a few examples ** WE ARE A PEANUT FREE CLASSROOM**
1 Box tissues
2 boxes of 24 count Crayola crayons.
2 boxes of snacks to share.
Nap mat/blanket.
1 Set extra clothing (Socks, pants, shirts, underwear etc. This will be left in their lockers)
Blanket for rest time
1 disinfecting wipe container
Kindergarten & 1st Grade
Backpack – Approx. 12’’x15’’
Small pencil box
24- #2 pencils (No mechanical or designed, more as needed)
1 large eraser
2-24 ct box of Crayola crayons
6-8 glue sticks
1- 10ct markers
Safety scissors
3lg. boxes of tissues
Pair of headphones for computer
Snacks for locker
2-3 lg. Disinfecting wipes
Water bottle
Paint shirt
1 Hand Sanitizer
Gym shoes- with no marking soles MUST HAVE
Set of extra clothing
No stuffed animals
No resting mat.
Children may eat lunches from the cafeteria or bring lunches from home, if it requires a microwave, please make sure your student knows how to use a microwave.
2 Grade
Pencil box
24-Ticondaroga Pencils sharpened
Pack of Erasers
2-24 Ct. Crayola Crayons
8 Glue sticks
2 10 ct Crayola Markers
2 – Wide-lined notebook
1 Composition notebook
3 plastic folders (different colors)
Headphones-if none from last year
3 Lg. boxes of tissues
2 packages disinfecting wipes
Paint shirt
Gym shoes
1 Set extra clothing
4- Dry Erase Markers
1 Elmers Glue Bottle
2 Highlighters
1 pack zip lock bags (any size)
Reuseable water bottle
1 Hand sanitizer
3rd & 4th Grade
Pencil box
24 – #2 Ticonderoga Pencils sharpened
2 – Large Pink Erasers or pack of eraser tops
2- 24ct Box of Crayons
8- glue sticks
2-10ct Crayola markers
2 plastic folderwith prongs
2 Wide-lined notebooks
2 wide lined Composition Notebook
4- Expo dry erase markers, black chisel tip
4 – Highlighters
3 Boxes of tissues
1 Disinfecting wipes
Headphones or Wired Ear buds
Gym shoes
Paint shirt
Water bottle
1 Hand Sanitizer
5th Grade
Backpack that fits in locker
Earbuds/ Head phones MUST HAVE
Gym shoes (stay at school)
4 lg. boxes of tissues
2 packages of #2 pencils (mechanical pencils optional)
Handheld pencil sharpener
2 lg. pink erasers
Multi pack 3×3 Post It Notes
4-8 dry Erase Markers
3 Containers dinsinfecting wipes
3 notebooks (science, social studies, language arts)
1 Pack highlighters
Colored pencils
3 Big glue sticks
2 Black sharpie markers
4 folders (blue, green, purple, homework)
Water bottle
1 Hand sanitizer
6th Grade
12 Pack of #2 pencils
2-12 Pack markers
24ct Crayons
12ct Colored pencils
4 Glue sticks
2 Highlighters
4 Expo markers
4 Folders (red, blue, green, yellow)
3 Notebooks with lined paper (yellow, blue, red)
1 Large pink eraser
Water bottle to keep at school (I will wash on Friday)
2 – Disinfecting wipes
Old shirt for painting
3 boxes of Kleenex
White sole gym shoes
1 Hand Sanitizer
Resource Room Elementary
1.5-2” 3 ring binder (4th-6th grade only)
1 box colored pencils
12 pencils
2 glue sticks
1 box of baby wipes
2 lg boxes of tissues
Resource room High School
12 pencils
3 glue sticks
1-2 packs disinfectant wipes
1 box tissue
1 1.5’’ (1 ½ in) binder – White preferred
1 pack highlighters
1 box Crayola Crayons
High School (7th– 12th Grades)
Pencil case or bag* Required, will carry to each class
24 Pencils
12 Pens
4 Highlighters
24 ct Colored pencils
7 Notebooks
7 Folders
USB Drive (min. 4 GB)
TI-30XA (grades 7th-9th)
OPTIONAL: TI-83 or 84 or similar Graphing calculator (grades 10th-12th)
3 Lg. boxes of tissues – Check in at the office
Gym clothes and shoes
1 hand sanitizer – Check in at the office
To help make organization easier, please label the following folders & notebooks by color:
Folder Class
Green Science
Red Reading Elem/Lang. Arts/English HS
Blue Math Classes
Yellow Health
Purple Social Studies
Black Art/Computer